Thermoplastic Poly Olefin

(*1) ASTM D1238
(*2) ASTM D1505
(*3) FDAAll the monomers and addiFves used in the above TAFMER™ grades are listed in the “Code of Federal RegulaFon, Ftle 21Food and Drugs, Parts 170 to 189” and “FCN (Food Contact NoFficaFon)”.
(*4) FDAAll the monomers and addiFves used in the above TAFMER™ grades are listed in the “FCN (Food Contact NoFficaFon)”.
(*5) EU DirecFveAll the monomers and addiFves used in the above TAFMER™ grade are listed in the EU DirecFve 2002/72/EC and itsamendment 2008/39/EC.The only addiFves with Specific MigraFon Limit (SML) are:n-Octadecyl 3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxy hydrocinnamate (CAS No.2082-79-3, Ref No.68320):
SML= 6mg/kgPlease ensure that the SML and Overall MigraFon (OM) are within the specified value in the end-use products.In case the regulatory informaFon you are looking for is not covered by our standard cerFficate, please contact us.InformaFon contained herein is based on the material, informaFon and data available as of the end of December 2011. Nowarranty is given for any data or evaluaFon results contained herein. It is also assumed that the product is to be used undernormal condiFons and with due precauFons. If the product is to be used in any special manner, the user is requested safetymeasures to meet such new use or applicaFon

TAFMER™ is used as a modifier that dramatically improves the properties of resin and as a molded material that has flexible and lightweigt characteristics. TAFMER™ is used in a wide range of fields such as automobile parts, packaging materials, sports goods, electric wires, civil engineering materials, construction materials, stationery, daily necessities, etc.
TAFMER™ is a low crystalline or amorphous α-olefin copolymer based on Mitsui Chemicals’ proprietary technology, using its state-of-the-art know-how in polyolefin and rubber materials.
TAFMER™ has lower density, lower modulus, and lower melting point, compared to polyethylene(PE) or polypropylene(PP).